Friday, March 19, 2010

Love & Light

Today is a beautiful day.  I am amazed with human resilience.

Lately it has felt as if a tidal wave of darkness has been continually crushing down, wave after wave, trying to break the human spirit... untimely deaths, betrayals, job loss, a general energy of conflict and upheaval.  Strange days have been surrounding our souls. In spite of it all, today the sun is breaking through.  I can see the sun shining, like waves of light through the clouds, ebbing and flowing.

Feel the warmth and joy.  It's beautiful.  I wonder if the dark times are just another lesson.  Resilience, the will to keep going, the test of patience.  How easy do we let ourselves get knocked off course?  We forget the big picture and sit feeling sorry for ourselves, licking the wounds of our ego?  When you take a step back and really take it all in, are you sweating the small stuff?  Losing your joy and bliss by the minute?

I am going to enjoy every moment of today. We have survived, now let's thrive!  Carpe Diem!

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