Monday, March 15, 2010

Life is Beautiful, People are Beautiful

It's not always easy to remember that everyone is beautiful in their own way.  Some people get trapped in their own drama and become bitter.  They may spew forth bad energy to everyone they come in contact with, but deep down, there is still beauty in there.  

We must have the strength to let go of our ego and take stock in who we are and what we have become.  To take a step back to see our lives from a better perspective.  Are things really so bad?  Don't you know someone who has it worse? So why not chose to see the beauty.  Embrace those who love you, even if they drive you crazy every now and then.

We chose the path we take and the we chose the way we react to things that come our way.  Life is what we make it.  We chose to be awake and alive or sleep walking like a zombie in the Matrix.  Sheep being led to slaughter.  Wake up and be glad you are alive.  Feel it, see it, embrace the beauty everywhere around you.

Don't miss a moment of being happy!

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