Thursday, March 25, 2010


Without change, something sleeps inside use and rarely awakens...The Sleeper must awaken.  ~Dune 1984

An old friend from high school posted this on facebook this morning and it got me thinking.  We are all sleepwalking through life to some extent, so what will it take for us to wake up?

The current state of affairs in our country makes you feel like a rat in a maze, fighting for survival.  We get so wrapped up in survival we don't thrive.  We are too afraid to take chances or to try something different because we are insecure, feeling unstable in our futures.  So we follow the same path daily to feel safe.

Sometimes change is forced upon us without warning.  I think this happens when we are too afraid to change ourselves.  We must look deep within and wake up.
I believe people don't want to see the ugly truth of what we are becoming.  Our culture seems to put celebrity, money and power above all else.  We need to have a heart, be compassionate and value humanity.  We must wake up and get ourselves back on track.  It may be a battle you fight everyday, but it's worth it.  Be positive, smile at others, feel love in your heart for everyone.

When it comes down to it, we are all connected.  The anger, hate and judgement you feel for others is a mirror for how you feel about yourself.  Time to get yourself straight.  Take a long hard look at yourself.  Not the image you project, your facade you show to the world.  Dig deeper and go beyond, find the real you.  If you don't like it, change it.  Don't pretend and just shove it under the rug.  That only makes it harder, a growing problem you have to deal with eventually. You can't run forever.  Face the music and take a real look.  Only you can make changes in you.

Come now, time to wake up.

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