Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Snail

Outside my bedroom window, there is a plant that has a rotating cycle of snails that come and go.  It is a communal place, especially when it is damp from rain or dew, where the snails gather.  A throng of snails, traveling up and down, back and forth with a seemed purpose, known only to them.  It got me curious about what snails represent.

Snail symbol means dealing with steady footing and stability. Snails carry their homes upon their backs which is symbolic of carrying our security in our hearts.  Security and happiness in this case, is an inside job.  Snails are psuedo pods, which actually means "false feet".

Foot snails are also symbols of slow but steady progress. Featured in the 9 of Pentacles, we understand that stability and success do not appear overnight. Rather, success usually comes at a snail's pace.

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