Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Moon in Taurus

As of today, the semester is officially over!  I have one more paper to submit by email, but classes are officially done.  Now to figure out if I am taking summer classes or if I am going to collapse and sleep for a week.  I loved today's horoscope!  The future is bright and beautiful and I am well on my way!

We can plant practical seeds of intention thanks to today's steadfast Taurus New Moon. This moon is particularly pleasant and effective for earthy, practical types. We won't likely waste time with unrealistic dreams now; instead we are interested in the ones that have a good chance of becoming real. 

For folks born under the zodiac signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, the benefits of this seed time flow to you almost without effort. The energy is here for everyone's benefit, however. To take advantage, simply visualize what you most want to achieve in the coming year. The magnetic nature of Taurus will help bring it to you. 

Success won't be attained unless we are willing to do a decent amount of hard work. Fortunately, unrelenting determination can overcome nearly any obstacle as long as we choose our destinations wisely.

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