Monday, May 31, 2010


Saturn, the planet of lessons and responsibility, turns direct today after being retrograde for several months. It's still in Virgo, but it will be there for only a few more weeks before entering Libra. Take advantage of this period by getting as much practical work done as you can. Finish projects, check items off your to-do list and tackle all those tasks that have been hanging around. Productive accomplishment is the best way to honor Saturn in Virgo.

When a very slow-moving planet like taskmaster Saturn turns direct, its impact is subtle yet profound. Accordingly, today is a turning point when our hard work from recent months begins to take shape in the outer world. The ambitious Capricorn Moon helps us to frame our goals in a practical manner. But we may look for a shortcut to circumnavigate our responsibilities as trickster Mercury forms an electric semisquare with unpredictable Uranus.

Slow-moving Saturn is finally reversing its backward motion and turning direct again. The last few months may have felt limiting and restrictive … but with Saturn going direct, it's time to get back in step with the beat and get out on the dance floor of life. Let's move forward into a month of good karma and positive energy!

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