Monday, May 31, 2010


Saturn, the planet of lessons and responsibility, turns direct today after being retrograde for several months. It's still in Virgo, but it will be there for only a few more weeks before entering Libra. Take advantage of this period by getting as much practical work done as you can. Finish projects, check items off your to-do list and tackle all those tasks that have been hanging around. Productive accomplishment is the best way to honor Saturn in Virgo.

When a very slow-moving planet like taskmaster Saturn turns direct, its impact is subtle yet profound. Accordingly, today is a turning point when our hard work from recent months begins to take shape in the outer world. The ambitious Capricorn Moon helps us to frame our goals in a practical manner. But we may look for a shortcut to circumnavigate our responsibilities as trickster Mercury forms an electric semisquare with unpredictable Uranus.

Slow-moving Saturn is finally reversing its backward motion and turning direct again. The last few months may have felt limiting and restrictive … but with Saturn going direct, it's time to get back in step with the beat and get out on the dance floor of life. Let's move forward into a month of good karma and positive energy!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Moon in Taurus

As of today, the semester is officially over!  I have one more paper to submit by email, but classes are officially done.  Now to figure out if I am taking summer classes or if I am going to collapse and sleep for a week.  I loved today's horoscope!  The future is bright and beautiful and I am well on my way!

We can plant practical seeds of intention thanks to today's steadfast Taurus New Moon. This moon is particularly pleasant and effective for earthy, practical types. We won't likely waste time with unrealistic dreams now; instead we are interested in the ones that have a good chance of becoming real. 

For folks born under the zodiac signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, the benefits of this seed time flow to you almost without effort. The energy is here for everyone's benefit, however. To take advantage, simply visualize what you most want to achieve in the coming year. The magnetic nature of Taurus will help bring it to you. 

Success won't be attained unless we are willing to do a decent amount of hard work. Fortunately, unrelenting determination can overcome nearly any obstacle as long as we choose our destinations wisely.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Snail

Outside my bedroom window, there is a plant that has a rotating cycle of snails that come and go.  It is a communal place, especially when it is damp from rain or dew, where the snails gather.  A throng of snails, traveling up and down, back and forth with a seemed purpose, known only to them.  It got me curious about what snails represent.

Snail symbol means dealing with steady footing and stability. Snails carry their homes upon their backs which is symbolic of carrying our security in our hearts.  Security and happiness in this case, is an inside job.  Snails are psuedo pods, which actually means "false feet".

Foot snails are also symbols of slow but steady progress. Featured in the 9 of Pentacles, we understand that stability and success do not appear overnight. Rather, success usually comes at a snail's pace.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Blessings of the Sacred Springs Pow Wow

What a beautiful experience!

San Marcos held their first annual Blessing of the Sacred Springs at the Aquarena Springs Park.  This site will be returned to it's natural beauty, which is bittersweet for me.

The land deserves to be returned to it's sacred state, but I have very fond memories from childhood.  My parents honeymooned here.  I can't even begin to count the number of times growing up that we drove down to spend the entire day at Aquarena Springs.  As life would have it, on to the next phase...