Sunday, January 8, 2012


1. Truth
Be sincere in your speaking. Don't say anything; at least have proof of what you say.

2. Agility
Make use of your time. What must be done, do it immediately. Time is too valuable to be wasted.

3. Diligence
Make decisions consciously. Decide what it is that you must do and then do it with enthusiasm. In case of doubt, ask for advice. Don't stay in a state of confusion.

4. Respect
Be very careful with the feelings of other people. Every human being is precious, having been made in the image of God. Be, therefore, kindly toward everyone.

5. Tranquility
Don't let small things take away your tranquility. Preserve the calm, stay serene. Show calmness in everything that you do.

6. Serenity
Remember King Solomon's advice: "The wise man's words are said quietly". Wise men speak slowly. Encourage this habit; they will understand you and you will understand yourself better.

7. Hygiene
It is important to maintain your personal hygiene; clothing, house, car, and public places [should be] clean. Respect highly your body, as well as your clothing.

8. Patience
It is necessary that you cultivate patience, regardless of your situation. There is a time for everything in life; don't get in a hurry.

9. Order
It is important to concentrate on whatever you do, without distraction. Keep each thing in its respective place. Avoid loss of time and patience. Manage your time and your objectives in an orderly way. Plan and organize; in that way you will fulfill your projects with success.

10. Humility
Recognize your own limitations, and ignore your neighbor's errors. Learn from everyone. Every person has some knowledge or virtue that we do not have. You aren't perfect.

11. Integrity
Remember: "Don't do to others what is disagreeable with you". The one who loves and practices Justice is just, and his conscience is clean. Always do what is right, especially with respect to your obligations.

12. Restraint
Remember what Ben Zoma (a Jewish scholar of the early 2nd century) taught: "Who is rich? The one who is satisfied with what he has". Money is to be used, not loved. It is a means and not an end in itself. Don't waste money unnecessarily. To other people it will be of vital importance.

13. Silence
Judge the value of your words before speaking. Speech is one of the most powerful weapons. It is a weapon characteristic only of humans. Silence is an expression of wisdom. Think before you speak, and don't speak unless you have something important to say.

Copyright: Miguel Angel PĂ©rez, Editorial Alom, Mexico Translated by Dave Peirce

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