Friday, January 28, 2011

Daily Inspirations from don Miguel Ruiz

Ok, so it's a few days worth, but there are good things to consider here...who couldn't use a little inspiration?

You are an angel, and your life is your message. You can be a messenger of lies, fear, and destruction; or a messenger of truth, love, and creation. But you cannot deliver lies and truth at the same time.

The best moments of your life are when you are being your authentic self. When you are in your creation and doing what you love to do, you become what you really are again. You are not thinking in that moment; you are expressing. Your emotions are coming out, and you feel great.

Transform your life with self-love. From now on, let every action, every reaction, every thought, and every emotion be based on love. Increase your self-love until the entire dream of your life is transformed from fear and drama to love and joy.

Love and accept yourself just the way you are. You are what you are; you don't need to pretend to be something else. When you pretend to be what you are not, you are always going to fail.

The word is pure magic. The power of our word comes directly from God, and faith is the force that directs this power. Everything in our virtual reality is created with the word. We use the word for the creation of our story, to make sense out of everything we experience.

Love others without conditions. When you love without conditions, you the human, and you the God, align with the Spirit of Life moving through you. Your life becomes the expression of the beauty of the expression of the beauty of the Spirit, and your dream becomes a masterpiece of art.

You are only responsible for your half of a relationship. There are two halves in every relationship, but you are only responsible for your half of the relationship; it is not up to you to control the other half. Respect the other half and there is always going to be peace in that relationship.

To master love, you have to practice love. The art of relationship is a whole mastery, and the only way to reach mastery is with practice. To master a relationship is, therefore, about action; it is not about attaining knowledge.

Respect each others dream. In a relationship, there are two dreamers with two different dreams. You need to accept the differences that exist between two dreamers; you need to respect each other's dream.

Cultivate wisdom. You don't need to accumulate knowledge to become wise; anyone can become wise. When you become wise, you respect your body, you respect your mind, and you respect your soul. When you become wise, your life is controlled by your heart, not your head.

Create the perfect relationship between you and your body. Treat your body with all your love, honor, gratitude, and respect. When you make it your goal to adore your own body and accept yourself completely, you are learning to have a perfect relationship with anyone else you are with.

Love is the medicine that accelerates healing. Love yourself, love your neighbor, love your enemies, but begin with self-love. You cannot love others until you love yourself. You cannot share what you do not have. If you do not love yourself, you cannot love anyone else either.

You are an artist of the spirit. Find yourself and express yourself in your own particular way. Express your love openly. Life is nothing but a dream, and if you create your life with love, your dream becomes a masterpiece of art.

Accept your own divinity. Everything is a manifestation of God. When you know that the power that is Life is inside you, you accept your own divinity, and yet you are humble because you see the same divinity in everyone else.

Love is unconditional. In love, there are no conditions; you love for no reason, with no justification. You are free to be what you are, and you allow others to be what they are.

Love is kind and just. When you are in love, a smile is always on your face. You feel good about yourself and because you are happy, you are kind. Love is also just; when you make a mistake, you pay only once for that mistake.

Love is compassionate and respectful. Love is compassionate and respectful, but doesn't feel sorry for anyone. If someone falls, compassion helps you to say, "Stand up. You can do it." Compassion comes from respect, and is the result of knowing that others are strong enough and intelligent enough to make their own choices.

Perceive with the eyes of love. If you have the eyes of love, you see wherever you go. The trees are made with love. The animals are made with love. Everything is made with love. When you perceive with the eyes of love, you see God everywhere.

Love is all around you. You search for love outside yourself when love is all around you. Love is everywhere, but you need to have the eyes to see.

Listen to the silent voice of your integrity. When the voice of knowledge becomes the voice of integrity, your emotional body becomes the way it was when you were a child. You return to the truth, to your own common sense. You return to love, and you live in happiness again.

We are born with silent knowledge. When we are born, our body knows what it is, and it knows what to do. We can feel silent knowledge every time we breathe.

I enjoy the presence of myself. I find myself smiling and having fun, even when I am just by myself. The more I enjoy myself, the more I enjoy my life, and the more I enjoy the presence of everyone around me.

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