Thursday, April 8, 2010


I was thinking about the seasons the other day.  When I was young I loved Summer, it was my favorite.  Not only is my birthday at the end of August, but summer represented freedom.  Summer was a time when life was simple and free.  The only thing you worried about was being out of school and spending every waking moment swimming, running or playing.  Summer represented so many things that I held near and dear to my heart.

I spent many years working in the corporate rat race.  During this time, I never felt the true beauty of summer as when I was young.  I was so busy trying to get ahead and survive the race that I never took time to enjoy any of the seasons.

Now that I am 40 and had my midlife culture change I find that I love Spring.  All of the seasons hold beautiful moments, things you can cherish and enjoy.  You can see the beauty of nature at any moment of any day.  But spring currently holds my favor with its sleepy awakenings. Signs of life stirring and moving...buds opening, flowers, trees, plants of every kind emerging from their winter slumber to embrace the magic of the sun.

Spring has come again.  I am awakened to the possibilities the future holds.  I am a bud of spring, unfolding and reaching out, expanding to my greatest potential.

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