Thursday, April 29, 2010

Full Moon

Ancient wisdom says we feel the influence of the Full Moon three days before and after the actual event. If this is true, then we are definitely still in the window of yesterday's powerful lunation.

Since Mercury was involved, our minds and imaginations are stimulated even more than usual. We can process and integrate this potent Full Moon experience today. We'll get extra help as the Moon makes several positive contacts with other planets.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Energy expanding

Magic is around us.  Spirit is speaking.
The universe is calling...
Can you hear? Are you listening?
Pay attention.  Take Note.
Open your heart. Breathe deep.
Energy is expanding, shifting...time to get rolling.
Will you be ready?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The other side

I think today, I have finally pushed through the latest chapter in my life.  I figured out a way to turn the page.  Some chapters are longer than others, some you review for way too long.  Turning the page is a beautiful thing.   It brings me back to a beautiful site I ran across many years ago.  It's one of my favorites.  Some people are confused when reading, but I believe everyone eventually comes to the point where they finally understand.

To respect the wishes of the site owner, I am not posting a link, but google The Great Illusion.  I dare you!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I was thinking about the seasons the other day.  When I was young I loved Summer, it was my favorite.  Not only is my birthday at the end of August, but summer represented freedom.  Summer was a time when life was simple and free.  The only thing you worried about was being out of school and spending every waking moment swimming, running or playing.  Summer represented so many things that I held near and dear to my heart.

I spent many years working in the corporate rat race.  During this time, I never felt the true beauty of summer as when I was young.  I was so busy trying to get ahead and survive the race that I never took time to enjoy any of the seasons.

Now that I am 40 and had my midlife culture change I find that I love Spring.  All of the seasons hold beautiful moments, things you can cherish and enjoy.  You can see the beauty of nature at any moment of any day.  But spring currently holds my favor with its sleepy awakenings. Signs of life stirring and moving...buds opening, flowers, trees, plants of every kind emerging from their winter slumber to embrace the magic of the sun.

Spring has come again.  I am awakened to the possibilities the future holds.  I am a bud of spring, unfolding and reaching out, expanding to my greatest potential.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Note to self...

When you have been avoiding eating meat for many months, even if it's not a determined thing, you just haven't been eating much's not a good idea to over indulge on's not a good idea at all!  The system isn't appreciative of such sudden changes!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

King of Wands

I was told to expect the King of Wands, I ran across this artist with the most amazing illustration representing the King!

He holds his staff aloft, like a torch, a beacon of flame and light. Or perhaps he himself is that beacon, gleaming as he does with the fire that burns within his chest and as a searing crown upon his brow. He lifts the fiery torch up to illuminate the path and strides forward. The ground shifts, and the denizens of the woods step back. The trees part before him, lifting their branches to make way for his passage. The environment shifts to his will, and obeys his unspoken desires and commands.

The King of Wands is charismatic. The force of his charm is irresistible, such that the very world seems to mold to his desires and bow to his will. He is a source of inspiration, and bears his mantle of authority with an ease as if he were born to it. It is his natural element, burning bright within him – blazing in his blood, and in his voice, and searing all that his gaze touches.

He has the spirit of the lion within him. Proud and fierce, dominant, and unafraid to chase down that which he desires. He springs forth into action with the confidence, strength, and lithe grace of that great beast. He is bold and does not balk at taking chances, or striking out upon new risky paths.