Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Solstice

 Summer Solstice, sometimes known as Midsummer, Litha, or St. John's Day, occurs in the middle of June.  It is a celebration of the longest day of the year and the beginning of Summer. It has been a grand tribal gathering time since ancient times and the solstice itself has remained a special moment of the annual cycle of the year since Neolithic times.
Midsummer is the time when everything is abundant and flourishing. Flowers smell their sweetest, colors are their most vibrant, trees are their greenest, and berries are their sweetest.  Midsummer is the time of strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and blackberries. New potatoes, lettuce, peas, carrots, radishes and onions are ready for picking.
Foods and decorations center around what nature has bestowed, rich, colorful and flavorful - mint iced teas, dandelion salads, strawberry shortcakes, geranium leaf sorbet, berry pies, daisy chains, lavender wreaths, rosemary garlands. The pure enjoyment that only summer fresh foods, sweet summer flowers and joyful company that only midsummer can bestow.
Midsummer Eve is the evening of herbs. The herbs and flowers gathered this night are considered exceptionally potent. St John's wort, burdock, thorn, and nettle harvested on Midsummer Eve are hung on doors and windows and placed around the home for protection. Bonfires were lit to protect against evil spirits, which were believed to roam freely when the sun was turning southwards again. It is a festival of community sharing and planetary service. 
Make a pledge to Mother Earth of something that you will do to improve the environment, have a magical gift exchange with friends, form your own drum circle and dance around a blazing bonfire.  Connect with people by exchanging songs, photos, and stories either in person or through the mail.  This season shows us the beauty of life, the intensity of being, the possibilities of creation and the surprising tenderness of love.  Celebrate Summer!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

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