Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our strength can be built by believing in ourselves.  Have courage, faith, and endurance.  Close your eyes and see it, feel it, believe it.

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. ~William Shakespeare 


Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Faith is interesting.  My son had been pondering life and made a statement this morning that was beautiful, "To be a fountain of happiness inside and out, to make others happy and to be content within yourself is a truly noble way to live."

I have faith that everything will be okay.  We all hit rough patches, but we get up and keep going.  No harm, no foul.  People may come and go in your life.  Hold no attachment.  Love everyone and realize some are meant to move on, let them go.  Look forward and if you look back, it's only to smile at what once was, no regrets.  Forward is the path.  Have faith.  We are all on our way to somewhere.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I am intrigued with the ebb and flow of life.  Our cycles of learning, loving and healing come and go.  Sometimes its not easy to get yourself back to a good place, where you should be.  It's like you stepped into  the quicksand of negativity and it's sucking you down, pulling you in.

This is when we must find a way to pull ourselves back out, clean ourselves off and find the light within.  Never give up, never surrender!  Onward through the Fog!  Be your own beacon!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My weekly horoscope from Rob Brezsny @ Free Will Astrology ~ Rob!!! ~☆~

What are you waiting for, my dear Virgo? Your future power spot has been exerting a strong pull on you. It has been calling for you to come and seize the clout you deserve. But you have not yet fully taken up the offer. As your designated nag and cheerleader, it is my sacred duty to wave a red flag in front of your gorgeous face and command you to pay attention. In my opinion, you need to drop what you're doing, race over to the zone of engagement, and pounce. You're more than ready to stake a claim to the increased authority you'll have a mandate to wield in the coming months.